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Cannabis laws in Eswatini

Cannabis laws in Eswatini

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Medical: illegal 
Recreational: illegal

Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland, is a small landlocked country in Southern Africa. Cannabis is illegal in Eswatini, and possession, cultivation, and trafficking of the plant are all punishable by law.

No, cannabis is illegal in Eswatini, and possession of any amount can lead to imprisonment for up to 10 years. The penalties for cultivation and trafficking of cannabis are even more severe, with offenders facing up to 25 years in prison.

The penalties for cannabis use in Eswatini are among the harshest in Africa, with sentences ranging from 5-10 years for possession to life imprisonment for trafficking.

Cannabis cultivation in Eswatini

Cannabis cultivation is illegal in Eswatini, and the government has taken a hard-line approach to enforce this law. The Eswatini police regularly conduct raids to destroy cannabis fields, and offenders caught cultivating the plant face up to 25 years in prison.

Calls for cannabis reform in Eswatini

There have been recent calls for cannabis reform in Eswatini, with advocates arguing that the current laws are not effective in reducing drug use and only serve to criminalize and stigmatize users. Some believe that legalizing and regulating cannabis could bring significant economic benefits to the country.

However, the government of Eswatini has shown little interest in relaxing drug laws, and cannabis reform remains a contentious issue. Some proponents of cannabis legalization have faced opposition from conservative groups and religious leaders who view cannabis use as immoral and a threat to traditional values.

Bottom line on weed in Eswatini

Cannabis is illegal in Eswatini, with severe penalties for possession, cultivation, and trafficking. While there have been recent calls for reform, the government has shown little interest in relaxing drug laws. Despite this, some advocates believe that legalizing and regulating cannabis could bring significant economic benefits to the country.

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