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Cannabis laws in Egypt

Cannabis laws in Egypt

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Medical: illegal 
Recreational: illegal

Egypt has a long history of cannabis use, with the plant being used for medicinal and religious purposes for thousands of years. However, cannabis is currently illegal in Egypt, with strict penalties for possession, cultivation, and trafficking.

Under Egyptian law, possession of any amount of cannabis is illegal and can lead to imprisonment for several months to several years. The severity of the punishment depends on the amount of cannabis in possession and whether the individual is a first-time offender or a repeat offender.

The penalties for trafficking cannabis in Egypt are severe, with lengthy prison sentences and even the death penalty being handed down in some cases. The severity of the punishment depends on the amount of cannabis being trafficked and the criminal history of the offender.

Despite the strict laws, cannabis use remains relatively widespread in Egypt, with estimates suggesting that up to 10% of the population uses cannabis. However, the illegality of cannabis has led to a stigma around its use, with users often facing discrimination and social marginalization.

Cannabis cultivation in Egypt

Cultivation of cannabis in Egypt is strictly prohibited and can result in lengthy prison sentences or even the death penalty. The government has taken a hard-line approach to cannabis cultivation, with the Egyptian police often conducting raids to destroy cannabis fields.

Calls for cannabis reform in Egypt

There have been recent calls for cannabis reform in Egypt, with advocates arguing that the current approach is not effective in reducing drug use and only serves to criminalize and stigmatize users. However, the government has shown little interest in relaxing drug laws, and cannabis reform in Egypt remains a contentious issue.

Bottom line on weed in Egypt

Egypt’s current stance on cannabis is one of prohibition, with severe penalties for possession, cultivation, and trafficking. Despite the widespread use of cannabis in the country, users face discrimination and social marginalization. While there have been recent calls for reform, the government has shown little interest in relaxing drug laws, making cannabis reform in Egypt a contentious and challenging issue.

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